Rebecca Carney
Postdoc at Berkeley Lab; currently investigating the absolute mass and nature of the neutrino as a member of the LEGEND and KATRIN experiments.
Anne Fortman
Postdoc at Berkeley Lab; working on the all-silicon upgrade to the ATLAS tracker and interested in searches for new physics with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Liam Foster
PhD student at UC Berkeley; working on the ATLAS inner tracker upgrade and measurements of heavy flavor jet physics at ATLAS
Louis-Guillaume Gagnon
Posdoctoral scholar at UC Berkeley working on the ATLAS experiment; developing algorithms for particle track reconstruction and searching for rare Higgs boson decays
Emily Thompson
Chamberlain postdoctoral fellow at Berkeley Lab; interested in searches for new physics with the ATLAS detector and the construction of a new all-silicon inner tracker for the High-Luminosity LHC